We stuck to the codes and conventions by finding music for our documentary which would fit in with our chosen topic and would go well for our documentary, on youtube we found two songs that are played throughout our documentary and radio advert called the 'Haunted Music Box' and the 'Carosuel,' both of these sounds eary and mystical which fits into our documentary 'The Fortune In Fortune Telling' which is based on fortune tellings and supernatural experiences. It's important to stick to the correct codes and conventions as it wouldn't of fit in if we used a happy, up-beat energetic songs throughout our documentary and would of set the wrong mood, atmospehere and impression for our documentary misleading the audience.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
With both our poster advertisment and radio advert we made sure everything was related to the supernatural and included simliar things to make sure it was very similar to our documentary. For example on our poster we used a certain font which not only is the font that channel 4 use (we chose channel 4 as the channel which our documentary would be shown on) but we had also used it within our documentary for the graphic and titling. This is so we wern't changing everything around but making it all simliar to eachother. On our poster we used dim colours as we believed dim colours fit in with the supernatural and give it more of a mysterious and supernatural effect, these were colours such as black, gray, dark red, dark blue and so on.
Also on the poster we used an image of different tarot cards so that the people who see this advertisment have an idea of what our documentary would be based on, we did the background black so that the image would stand out. For both our documentary and radio advert we used the same person to do the voiceover, we chose this person as she had a voice which sounded good for our documentary and radio advert. Everything we had done for our documentary, radio advert and poster was supernatural related and we made sure all three of these were similar to eachother in a way. Within the supernatural i believe everything needs to seem confusing and mysterious so that it makes people think, as for this in our radio advert we used a certain saying which would make the audience question this. Also we used paranormal activity 3 trailer in our research to fit in with the supernatural as we were researching all about the different kinds of supernatural experiences and fortune telling, therefore we added this into our documentary.
As we used tarot cards in the background for the title 'The fortune in fortune telling' we decided as a group that we would also use tarot cards for our print advert so they link in together.
In conclusion our radio advert and print advert linked into our documentary in various different ways for example we made all of them fit in to the supernatural and made it obvious that they were all to do with the supernatural.
3. What have you learned from you audience feedback?
Number of views from uploading it onto youtube aswell as facebook so it is viewed by a wider auidience.
On a scale of 0-5 how much have you learnt from our documentary?
From this question the average answer we got from the auidence who viewed our documentary was rated 3-4.
This question was mostly rated at 3, however a few rated it a 4.
On a scale of 0-5 how entertaining did you find this documentary?
The average was rated 3 however we got a few 1's and 2' s which isn't very good therefore if we were to do this again we would need to improve our documentary and make it more entertaining for the audience to watch.
On a scale of 0-5 do you think you would watch this documentary again?
This again was rated as a 3 by most people.
On a scale of 0-5 do you think you would recommend this documentary to a friend or a family member?
The answers we got for this answer were very mixed.
On a scale of 0-5 do you think the documentary contain a variation of information?
This was mostly rated 4.
How effective did you think our editing techniques were on a scale of 0-5?
Our target audience mostly rated us 3/4's for our editing techniques.
On a scale of 0-5 did you think the music we created creates the right atmosphere for our documentary?
It gave an eary atmosphere therfore created the right atmosphere for our documentary.
On a scale of 0-5 how much did you feel the interviews were clear and precise?
This was rated low, however we already knew we wouldn't be rated high for this as one of our interviews with the fortune teller was done really bad as she couldnt be heard therefore we had to cut her voice out.
How effective did you think the use of cutaways where during the interview?
This was rated mostly as 2's and 3's.
On a scale of 0-5 how much of your attention did our documentary grab?
This was also a mixed rating from the audience.
On a scale of 0-5 How much would you compare our first 5 minutes to a professional documentary?
Overall for this question the audience rated it quite high.
On a scale of 0-5 how did you feel our documentary could be played on television and would be successful?
This question had a mixed rating.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
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